Our People
The Reverend Dr. Cameron Partridge
(415) 285-9540 x2
The Reverend Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain
Music Minister
Mina Jelinek
​Parish Administrator
Cary McCullough
(415) 285-9540 x 3
Nursery Care
Coco Lin
Parish Nurse
Susan Spencer
Assisting Priest
The Reverend Gary Ost
​Assisting Priest
The Reverend Donald A. Fox
Senior Warden
Kate Fritz (on vestry through 2024)
Junior Warden
Lee Hammack (on vestry through 2025)
Barbara Stevenson (on vestry through 2025)
David Frangquist​
Anne Benninger (through 2024)
Sarah Glover (through 2025)
Elaina LeGault (through 2024)
Janet Lohr (through 2026)
Nicole Miller (through 2026)
Susan Spencer (through 2026)
The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge
Cameron Partridge was called to St. Aidan’s in 2016. Originally from the Bay Area, he lived in Massachusetts for about twenty years, was ordained in 2004/2005 and completed his Th.D. in 2008. He has served in parish, campus ministry, and divinity school settings, including teaching undergrads and divinity school students. A theologian by training, Cameron is one of several openly transgender clergy and lay leaders who have contributed to wider, ongoing conversations in Christian contexts about gender, sexuality, and embodiment. He has a passion for theological and spiritual formation, social justice advocacy, worship with both ancient and contemporary elements, vocational discernment, and communities where families of all kinds are embraced and people are transformed. He and his spouse Kateri have two children (10 and 14), 3 cats, and a rabbit. Cameron loves reading SciFi/Fantasy and memoirs, cooking and baking (especially pies), hiking with his family, listening to music, and the Muppets.
The Ven. Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain has served as the Archdeacon for the Diocese of California and is the associate vice provost for administration in Student Affairs at Stanford University where she leads finance, IT support, human resources, and facilities on behalf of the division.
In her ministry, Margaret is passionate about growing gardens, communities, and outreach ministries. With a long practice of volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and in working in community gardens, Margaret brings people together to strengthen communities and work for justice. She serves as deacon at two parishes - Holy Innocents and St. Aidan’s.
Margaret began her career working with refugees and helping them resettle in the United States. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Smith College, a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and she studied diaconal formation at the School for Deacons.
The Ven. Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain